Curriculum Vitae
March 28, 2018

Name: JIN, Xiaoyi
Sex: Female
Nationality: China
Date of Birth: April 15, 1973
Place of Birth: Xi’an, China
Mailing Address:
School of Public Policy and Administration,
Xi'an Jiaotong University,
28 West Xianning Road,
Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, 710049, China
Tel.: +86-29-8266-8384 (O); Fax: +86-29-8266-8384
● Apr. 2003, Ph.D., Management Science and Engineering, Institute for Population and Economics, Management School, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
● Apr. 1999, M.S., Applied Economics, School of Humanities, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
● July. 1996, B.S., Technological English, School of Humanities, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
● Dec.2017-Dec.2018, Visiting Scholar, University of Washington, WA. US.
● April-October, 2014, Visiting Scholar, University of Washington, WA. US.
● March, 2007- present, Professor, Institute for Population and Development Studies, School of Public Policy and Administration, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
● 2008- present, Director of Center for Gender and Development Studies, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
● January, 2005- February, 2007, Associate Professor, Institute for Population and Development Studies, School of Public Policy and Administration, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
● May, 2005 - August, 2006, Post Doctoral Research Fellow: Morrison Institute for Population and Resource Studies, Stanford University, CA. US.
● July-November, 2005, Visiting Scholar, Santa Fe Institute, NM. US.
● March, 2003 - January, 2005, Post Doctoral Research Fellow, School of Economics and Finance, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
Honorary Appointments
● 2016- present, The Distinguished Professorship of Xi’an Jiaotong University
● 2014- present, Excellent Youth of Humanities and Social Sciences, The Provincial Education Committee of Shaanxi
● 2013- present, Sanqin Excellent Talent of Shaanxi province
● 2009- present, core member of Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team, The State Education Ministry of China
● 2009, core member of Excellent Innovative Research Team of Xi’an Jiaotong University, collaborating with Stanford University
● 2007, New Century Excellent Talents in University, The State Education Ministry of China
Membership in Professional Associations
● International Union of Scientific Studies of Population
● Population Association of America
● Population Association of China, Council member
● Sociology of Family Branches, Sociology Association of China, Council member
● Population Association of Shaanxi province, China, Executive Director
● Committee of Experts on Population and Family Planning Work
● Population Association of Xi’an, Council member
1. Introduction to Sociology (Undergraduate course)
2. Principle of Public Policy (Graduate course)
3. Population and Development (PhD. student course)
Research Fields
1. Social integration of Chinese rural migrant workers
2. Impacts of rural-urban migration on social development in China
3. Marriage and family evolution in transitional Chinese society
4. Gender imbalance and its social implications
Research Grants and Experience
● As Chief Scientist
2016-2017, “Key issues of in-situ urbanization in Shaanxi Province”, Key Project of the Provincial Social Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province (Grant No. 2016ZDA05)
2013-2017, “Problems and public policies for urbanization of rural migrant workers: Sustainable livelihood and equal access to basic public services”, Key Project of the National Social Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 13&ZD044)
● As Grantee and Principal Investigator:
2017, “Recognition and Support Strategy for Vulnerable Elderly in The Context of New-Style Urbanization”, The National Working Commission on Aging
2015-2018, “Livelihood and sustainable development of transferred agricultural population in context of new urbanization in China”, Key Project of the National Social Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 15&ZD044), Subproject “Sustainable livelihood of transferred agricultural population from perspective of life course”
2013-2014, “Social integration of rural migrant workers in Pingshan New District, Shenzhen, China: Situation and countermeasures”, Pingshan New District Government
2012-2016, “Impacts of floating population on regional development: Evaluation and integrated support platform for decision-making”, Project in the National Science & Technology Pillar Program during the Twelfth Five-year Plan Period of China, Subproject “Impacts of floating population on regional social system: Evaluation and early warning technology” (Grant No. 2012BAI32B07-02)
2011-2013, “Social integration of rural migrant workers and public security”, supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No. sk2011031)
2010-2012, “Clique of social network among rural migrant workers and its implications”, Project supported by the Fok Ying-Tong Education Foundation for Young Teachers in the Higher Education Institutions of China (Grant No.121093)
2009-2012, “Social integration of “Bare Branches” in the process of rural-urban migration in China”, Project of the National Social Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 09BRK009)
2009-2011, “Sex structure and sustainable social development in China”, Key Project of the National Social Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 08&ZD048), Subproject “Individual and community vulnerability, social anomie and security”
2009-2011, “Gender imbalance and social stability in China”, Key Project of Social Science Foundation of State Education Ministry of China (Grant No. 08JZD0025), Subproject “International comparative studies on gender imbalance governance” and Subproject “Study of countermeasures to mitigate gender imbalance and secure social stability” (Co-Principal Investigator)
2008-2010, “Social integration of rural-urban migrants in China”. The Scientific Research Foundation for Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, State Education Ministry of China
2007-2010, “Female deficit and social stability in China: Implications for international security”, The Presidential Fund for Innovation in International Studies, Stanford University, collaborate with Department of Anthropological Sciences, Department of Biological Sciences and Department of History at Stanford University (Co-Principal Investigator)
2007-2008, “Sexuality of old forced male bachelors in rural China”, L'Institut National d'Etudes Démographiques (INED), (Co-Principal Investigator)
2007-2010, “Clique of rural-urban migrants’ social networks in China”, Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University, The State Education Committee, (NCET-07-0668)
2004-2008, “Policy and management innovation for population and socio-economic development”, 985-2 National Social Science Research Base of The State Education Committee, (Co-Principal Investigator)
2005.6-2007.6, “Social network reconstruction of rural-urban migrants and its effects on attitudes and behaviors of marriage and childbearing: From a gender perspective.” National Social Science Fund of China (Grant No. 05CRK002).
2004-2005, “Social network of rural-urban migrants in Shenzhen and its implications.” funded by Shenzhen government (co-principal investigator).
2003-2004, “Out-migration of adult children and family support for the elderly in rural China.” National Postdoctoral Science Fund of China (Grant No.2003033510).
● As Principal Participant
2007-2009, “Development of complex social network models for application to rural-urban migration and social integration in contemporary China,” National Natural Science Fund of China (Grant No.70671083)
2006-2008, “Chinese society policy coordination and gender equality promotion”, Ford Foundation (Grant No. 1050-1037).
2006-2007, “Program activation of National Action of Care for the Girls” The State Family Planning Commission of China.
2003-2006, “Population and social policies under complex circumstances”, 211 Project of The State Education Committee.
2004-2006, Elder-care, gender, and son preference: The role of cultural transmission and diffusion during the process of rural-urban migration in China, funded by the Advisory Committee of Stanford’s Center for Demography and Economics of Health and Aging (CDEHA) of the USA
2004-2007, “Rural-urban migration in China: Cultural transmission and its socio-demographic implications.” funded by Stanford University, Santa Fe Institute and Fudan University.
2004-2005, “Mechanism of sex ratio at birth increasing in urban China.” National Social Science Fund of China (Grant No.04BRK001).
2004-2005, “National population development strategies.” The State Population and Family Planning Committee of China (Grant No. C05-03).
2003-2006, “Gender analysis and gender promotion strategies in China’s grass-root level family planning/reproductive health services and practices: An operational investigation.” The Ford Foundation (Grant No. 1035-1098).
2000-2002, “Marriage form, old age security and son preference.” The State Population and Family Planning Committee of China.
2000-2002, “Uxorilocal marriage, son preference, and old age security in rural China.” CDEHA seed money award, Stanford University.
2001, “Wellbeing of old people in Anhui, China.” The NIH (Grant No. 1 R03 TW01060-01A1).
Dec. 2017, “Jin Xiaoyi, Zhang Lu, Yang Ting. 2016. Inter-hukou Marriages of Rural Migrant Workers in the Perspective of Gender: Findings from a Survey in P District of Shenzhen. Collection of Women's studies (1): 30-38”, The Third-level of The XII Shaanxi Provincial Social Scientific Award (paper series).
Sept. 2016, “Jin Xiaoyi, Ren Yike, Du Haifeng. 2014. Rural Migrant Workers’ Social Networks, Attitudes and Behavior Evolution. 2014. Social Sciences Academic Press (SSAP), Beijing, China”, Excellence Award of the XV Chinese Population and Culture Award of the Central Propaganda Department of China (book series)
May. 2016, Chenghua Li (X. Jin as the author’s supervisor). Impacts of Marriage Squeeze on Marital Violence of Chinese Rural Population in the process of rural to urban migration. Distinguish Ph. D Dissertation of Shaanxi Province
Nov. 2015, “Jin Xiaoyi, Ren Yike, Du Haifeng. 2014. Rural Migrant Workers’ Social Networks, Attitudes and Behavior Evolution. 2014. Social Sciences Academic Press (SSAP), Beijing, China”, Golden Mention of Qian Xuesen Award of Urbanology, Hangzhou Academy of Urbanology
Aug. 2015, “Lige Liu, Xiaoyi Jin, Marcus W. Feldman. Chinese Rural Men in Marriage Squeeze”, The Third-level of The XII Shaanxi Provincial Social Scientific Award (book series).
Aug. 2014, “Xiaoyi Jin, Lige Liu, Yan Li, Marcus W. Feldman, Shuzhuo Li, “’Bare Branches’ and the Marriage Market in Rural China: Preliminary Evidence from a Village Survey”, Chinese Sociological Review, vol. 46, no. 1, Fall 2013, pp. 83–104.” The Second-level Scientific Population Studies Award (paper series), the State Medical and Family Planning Commission and the Population Association of China.
Sept. 2013, “Marital strategies and marital quality of rural Chinese in the context of gender imbalance: Findings from survey in X city and hundreds of villages”, The Third-level of The XI Shaanxi Provincial Social Scientific Award (paper series).
June, 2012, “Rural migrant workers’ attitudes towards pre-marital and extramarital sexual behaviors: A study of social networks”, The Second-level of the XIV Chinese Population and Culture Award of the Central Propaganda Department of China (paper series)
Nov. 2011, “Gender imbalance and public security in China: Findings from survey in hundreds of villages”, The Second-level of The X Shaanxi Provincial Social Scientific Award (paper series).
July, 2010, “Marriage form and son preference in rural China: An investigation in three counties”. The First-level Scientific Population Studies Award (paper series), the State Family Planning Commission and the Population Association of China.
July, 2010, Social Networks and Childbearing of Chinese Rural Migrant Workers, The Scientific Population Studies Excellent Award (book series), the State Family Planning Commission and the Population Association of China.
2010, Excellent researcher of Xi’an Jiaotong University
2009, Social Support Networks of Chinese Rural Migrant Workers, The Second-level of The IX Shaanxi Provincial Social Scientific Award (book series)
January, 2007, Uxorilocal Marriage and its Socio-demographic Implications in Rural China: An Investigation in Three Counties. The First-level Scientific Population Studies Award (book series), the State Family Planning Commission and the Population Association of China.
2004, “Uxorilocal marriage, son preference, and old age security in rural China.” The First-level of Social Scientific Studies Award (paper series), Xi’an Jiaotong University, China.
2002, Excellent Graduate Student Scholarship, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China.
1999, XinXing Scholarship, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China.
1998, XinXing Scholarship, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China.
Professional Activities
July, 2017. “Social integration of Chinese Rural Migrant Elderly: Evidence from P district of Shenzhen”. Annual Meeting of Population Association of China, Kunming, China
May, 2017. “Tradition and Change: Family and Family Studies in the perspective of interdisciplinary research”. Ningbo University, Ningbo, China
Dec., 2016. Annual Meeting of Population Association of Shaanxi Province, Xi’an, China
Dec., 2016. “The Structure of Relations between Chinese Rural Migrant Workers and Their Parents: A Tale of Two Cities”. International Forum of Population Aging and Sustainable Development, Renmin University, Beijing, China
Oct. 26, 2015. “The Impacts of Resource Endowment and the Social-security System on the Land Willingness of Rural Migrant Workers - From the perspective of rational choice theory”. Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
July. 2015, “The Impacts of Resource Endowment and the Social-security System on the Land Willingness of Rural Migrant Workers - From the perspective of rational choice theory”, Forum of New Pattern Urbanization and Social Integration of Floating Population. Fudan University, Shanghai, China
Nov. 21, 2014, “Male marriage squeeze in the urbanization process of rural China: Individual lives and social consequences”, Workshop of Department of Social Policy and Intervention at University of Oxford, UK.
Aug. 25-31, 2013, “Marriage squeeze and intergenerational transfers in contemporary rural China: Evidence from Yi county of Anhui province”, the XXVII IUSSP International Population Conference. Regular session. Busan, South Korea.
Feb. 26-27, 2009, Aging Asia: Economic and Social Implications of Rapid Demographic Change in China, Japan, and Korea. Stanford University, USA
July 27-31, 2009, “Marriage circle in rural area under marriage squeeze: Expanding or shrinking? Evidence from H county of Anhui province in China. “Humanity, Development and Cultural Diversity”, The 16th Congress of IUAES, Kunming, China
July 27-31, 2009, “Determinants of the rural men’s risk of first marriage in China: From perspective of social network.” “Humanity, Development and Cultural Diversity”, The 16th Congress of IUAES, Kunming, China
December 10-11, 2008, Presentation “Factors causing male bachelorhood in rural China from the perspective of social networks: Evidence based on the data from H county, Anhui province”, International Symposium of Chinese Modern Families in Transitional Society, Institute of Population and Labor Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Beijing, China.
August 21-23, 2008, Presentation “Factors causing male bachelorhood in rural China: Evidence based on the data from YC county, Henan province”, Annual Conference of Population Association of China, Xi’an, China.
May 23-24, 2008, The 2nd Symposium of Population Policy, Shanghai, China.
April 12-19, 2008, visiting scholar for the joint project “Sexuality of old forced male bachelors in rural China”, L'Institut National d'Etudes Démographiques (INED), Paris, France.
November 17-19, 2007, Presentation “Effects of social networks on rural migrant workers’ attitudes and behavior of first marriage: From perspective of gender.” The 3rd Symposium of Social Network and Relation Management, Chinese Sociology Association, Nanjing, China.
November 3-4, 2007, The Symposium of Chinese Population and Development in the Construction of Harmonious Society, Population Association of China, Nanjing, China.
October 20, 2007, Panel of international cooperation on gerontology, The 8th Asia/Oceania Regional Congress of Gerontology, University of Southern California (USC) and Peking University, Beijing, China.
August 31- September 2, 2007, The Preparation Meeting for The 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights, Beijing, China.
July 30, 2007, Lecture: “Population dynamics in China.” Complex Systems Summer School, Santa Fe Institute (USA), Beijing.
October 7-8, 2006, “The effects of rural-urban migration on intergenerational financial transfer in China: A gender-based perspective.” Workshop: “Social exclusion and integration: the situation of internal migrants in China”, Institute for Futures Studies, Stockholm, Sweden.
March 30-April 1, 2006. “The effects of rural-urban migration on intergenerational financial transfer in China: A gender-based perspective.” Paper presented at the 2006 Annual Meeting of Population Association of America, Los Angeles, CA., USA.
March 30-April 1, 2006. “The evolution of son preference among rural-urban migrants in China: A research based on social network theory.” Paper presented at the 2006 Annual Meeting of Population Association of America, Los Angeles, CA., USA.
January 25, 2006, Presentation, “Elder-care, gender, and son preference: The role of cultural transmission and diffusion during the process of rural-urban migration in China.” Stanford University, CA. US.
January 12, 2006, Presentation, “Rural-urban migration in China: Some findings and social subgroup detection.” Workshop, UCI., CA. US.
January 13, 2006, Presentation, Videoconference: Human Sciences and Complexity: Winter and Spring 2005, “Network Study of Rural-Urban Migration in China,” UCI., CA. US.
November 19, 2005, Presentation, “Social networks of rural-urban migrants in China: A study in Shenzhen.” Morrison Institute for Population and Resource Studies, Stanford University, CA., USA.
October 28, 2005, Presentation, “Social networks of rural-urban migrants in China:
A study in Shenzhen.” Santa Fe Institute, NM., USA.
November 15-24, 2004, “Post-graduate Student Forum between Mainland and Taiwan”, Sponsored by China Public Affairs Committee of Zhongshan University, Taiwan.
October 23-24, 2004, “International Forum on Population and Sustainable Development Strategy”, Sponsored by Population Association of China and Population Association of Shanghai, Shanghai, China
August 20-21, 2004. “Children, marriage form and family support for the elderly in contemporary rural China”. Paper presented at the Conference on Chinese Healthy Aging and Socioeconomics: International Perspectives, Duke University, USA.
June 9-11, 2004, “Forum on Migration and Population Floating in Modern China”, Sponsored by Population Association of China and Institute for Population and Development Studies of Renmin University, Beijing, China
May 10-11, 2004, International Conference on Demographic Window and Healthy Ageing: Socioeconomic Challenges and Opportunities, Jointly sponsored by IUSSP and Center for Healthy Aging and Family Studies of Peking University, Beijing,
October 13-15, 2003, The 4th International Symposium on Chinese Elderly, Beijing.
December 4-6, 2002. “Gender, marriage, and intergenerational support in rural China.” Paper presented in International Conference on Allocation of Social and Family Resources in Changing Societies, Social Research Division, ISSP, Academia Sinica, Taipei: China.
October 26-27, 2001, International Symposium on Healthy Aging Studies in China, Jointly sponsored by IUSSP and Center for Healthy Aging and Family Studies of Peking University, Beijing, China.
In English:
Jin Xiaoyi, Ting Yang and Marcus W. Feldman. 2017. Intergenerational Transmission of Marital Violence among Rural Migrants in China: Evidence from a Survey in Shenzhen. Journal of Contemporary China, Vol. 26, No. 108
Jin Xiaoyi, Hongsheng Liu. Lige Liu. 2017. “Family Education Support to Chinese Rural Migrant Children: Evidence from Shenzhen”. Eurasian Geography and Economics, Vol. 58, No. 2, 169-200
Jin Xiaoyi, Ye Cui. 2017. “The Structure of Intergenerational Relations between Chinese Rural Migrant Workers and Their Parents: Evidence from a Survey in Shenzhen”. Journal of Family Issues (submitted)
Jin Xiaoyi, Qiuju Guo, Marcus W. Feldman. 2015.“Marriage Squeeze and Intergenerational Support in Contemporary Rural China: Evidence from X County of Anhui Province” International Journal of Aging and Human Development 80(2):115-39, January 2015
Liu Lige, Xiaoyi Jin, Melissa J. Brown, Marcus W. Feldman. 2014. “Involuntary Bachelorhood in Rural China: A Social Network Perspective”. Population, 69(1): 103-126 INED
Liu Lige, Xiaoyi Jin, Melissa J. Brown, Marcus W. Feldman. 2014. “Male marriage squeeze and inter-provincial marriage in central China: Evidence from Anhui”. Journal of Contemporary China, 23(86): 1-21
Jin Xiaoyi, Lige Liu, Yan Li, Marcus W. Feldman, Shuzhuo Li. 2013. “’Bare Branches’ and the marriage market in rural China: Preliminary evidence from a village survey”, Chinese Sociological Review, vol. 46, no.1, Fall 2013, pp. 83-104.
Jin Xiaoyi, Lige Liu, Yan Li, Marcus W. Feldman, Shuzhuo Li. “’Bare Branches’ and the Marriage Market in Rural China: Preliminary Evidence from a Village Survey”, Too Many Men Too Few Women: Social Consequences of Gender Imbalance in India and China, Edited by Ravinder Kaur, Publication: Orient Blackswan, 2016
Li Shuzhuo, Marcus W. Feldman, Xiaoyi Jin, and Dongmei Zuo. 2011. “Gender, migration, and the wellbeing of the elderly in rural China”. In Karen Eggleston and Shripad Tuljapurkar (eds.), AGING ASIA. CA: Stanford University Press
Yue Zhongshan, Shuzhuo Li, Xiaoyi Jin and Marcus W. Feldman. 2013. “The role of social networks in the integration of Chinese rural-urban migrants: A migrant-resident tie perspective”. Urban Studies 50(9): 1704-1723
Jin Xiaoyi, Li Shuzhuo, and Marcus Feldman. 2007. “Marriage form and age at first marriage: A comparative study in three counties in contemporary rural China”. Social Biology 52 (1-2): 18-46.
Jin Xiaoyi, Li Shuzhuo, and Marcus Feldman. 2007. “Marriage Form and Son Preference in Rural China: An Investigation in Three Counties.” Rural Sociology 72 (4): 511-536.
Du Haifeng, Marcus W. Feldman, Li Shuzhuo, and Jin Xiaoyi. 2007. “An algorithm for detecting community structure of social networks based on prior knowledge and modularity”. Complexity 12(3):53-60.
Wu Haixia, Marcus W. Feldman, Jin Xiaoyi and Li Shuzhuo. 2007. “Social network and son preference of rural-urban migrants in China: A case of Shenzhen”. In Isabelle Attane et al. (eds.), Female Deficit in Asia: Trends and Perspectives. Pp. 229-245.
Marcus W. Feldman, Shropad Tuljapurkap, Shuzhuo Li, Xiaoyi Jin & Nan Li. 2006. “Son preference, marriage, and intergenerational transfer in rural China.” In Anne H. Gauthier et al. (eds.), Allocating Public and Private Resources Across Generations, (Chapter 6) Pp. 139–162.Springer. Printed in the Netherlands.
Jin Xiaoyi, Li Shuzhuo, and Marcus Feldman. 2006. “Marriage form and fertility in rural China: an investigation in three counties.” Population Research and Policy Review25: 141-156.
Li Shuzhuo, Marcus Feldman, and Jin Xiaoyi. 2005. “Marriage form and duration of post-marital co-residence with parents in rural China: Evidence from Songzi.” Journal of Comparative Family Studies 36(1): 121-138.
Marcus Feldman, Shuzhuo Li, Nan Li, Shripad Tuljapurkar and Xiaoyi Jin. 2005. “Son preference, marriage and intergenerational transfer in rural China.” In S. Bowles, H. Gintis, and M.A. Osborne (Eds), Unequal Chances: Family Background and Economic Success. (Chapter 8). Pp.232-255. Russell Sage, N.Y.
Li Shuzhuo, Marcus Feldman, and Jin Xiaoyi. 2004. “Children, marriage form and family support for the elderly in contemporary rural China.” Research on Aging 26(3): 352-384.
Li Shuzhuo and Jin Xiaoyi. 2004. Uxorilocal Marriage in Contemporary Rural China. Chinese Cross Currents (1): 64-79.
Jin Xiaoyi, Du Haifeng, He Wuhong, and Jiao Licheng. 2004. “Optimizing the weights of neural networks based on antibody clonal simulated annealing algorithm.” International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN2004). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Part 1: 299-304
Jin Xiaoyi, and Du Haifeng. 2004. “A New Artificial Immune Algorithm for the 0-1 Knapsack Problem”. Proceeding of 2004 International Conference on Management Science & Engineering
Du Haifeng and Jin Xiaoyi. 2004. Immune Clonal Selection Network. The 17th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence: 840-852.
Jin Xiaoyi, Du Haifeng, He Wuhong, Jiao Licheng. 2004. “Optimizing the weights of neural networks based on antibody clonal simulated annealing algorithm”. The International Symposium Neural Networks (ISNN2004).
Li Shuzhuo, Marcus Feldman, and Jin Xiaoyi. 2003. “Marriage form and family division in three villages in rural China.” Population Studies 57(1): 95-108.
Jin Xiaoyi. 2003. “A method of principle components analysis using improved neural networks.” In Chen Jinxian et al. (eds.), Analects of Modern Management Science. Pp. 66-72. Xi’an Jiaotong University Press
Jin, Xiaoyi. 2002. “Principle components analysis based on a modified neural networks”. In Kaoping Song et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the First International Conference on Information and Management Sciences: 109-111, China, Xi’an, May 27-31. ISSN: 1539-2023, Series of Information and Management Sciences, Vol. 1
In French:
Li Shuzhuo, Hu Ping, and Jin Xiaoyi. 2002. “Enfacts <rois> et vieillards <delaisses>: implications socioculturelles de la transition demographique en Chine.” In Isabelle Attane, (ed.), La Chine Au Seuil Du XXI e Siecle, Questions de population, questions de societe. (Chapter 19). Pp. 477-497. INED, Paris.
In Chinese:
Jin Xiaoyi, Hu Zhaoyuan, Gu Dongdong. 2018. Who are the “Old” Rural Migrant Workers? An Analysis of Chinese Migrant Population Dynamic Monitoring Survey Data. Management Review (in press)
LIU Hongsheng, JIN Xiaoyi. 2018. Rural Migrant Children's Identity:Status and Influencing Factors: Analysis Based on Data from Migrant Children Survey in Shenzhen. Journal of Central China Agricultural University (Philosophy and Social Science) (in press)
LIU Hongsheng,JIN Xiaoyi. 2018. Study on Capital Endowment and Social Integration of Rural Migrant Children: A Multi-perspective Analysis Based on Bidirectional Measurement Data. Beijing Social Science (in press)
Jin Xiaoyi, Yang Ting. 2018. Marriage Quality of Rural Migrants in the Context of New Type of Urbanization: Impacts of Urbanization Types and Gender. Northwest Population (accepted)
JIN Xiaoyi,LIU Hongsheng. 2018. Rural Migrants’ Parenting Styles and Rural Migrant Children’s Resilience Characteristics and Relationship. Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University (Social Sciences) (2)
JIN Xiaoyi,LIU Hongsheng. 2018. Rural Migrants’ Parenting Styles and Rural Left-behind Children’s Resilience Characteristics and Relationship. Journal of Southwest Minority University (Social Sciences) (1)
Jin Xiaoyi, Duan Zhuqing. 2017. Inter-hukou Marriage of Rural Migrant Workers from Perspectives of Urbanization and Gender: Evidence from Multi-source Data. Collection of Women's studies (4): 17-30
Jin Xiaoyi, Liu Yanjun. 2017. Impact of grand-parenting on life satisfaction of the rural elderly: Difference between migrant and non-migrant elderly. Journal of Southeast University (Philosophy and Social Science), 19(2): 119-129
LIU Hongsheng,JIN Xiaoyi. 2017. Subjects of Family Education for Left-behind Children in Western Rural China. Education Review (11)
Guo Qiuju, Jin Xiaoyi. 2016. Mothers’ Parental Influence on Rural Migrant Workers’ Important Life Decisions. Journal of Society (5): 222-241
Cui Ye, Jin Xiaoyi. 2016. Impacts of Family Relations on Psychological Welfare of Chinese Rural Migrant Parents. Chinese Rural Economy (3): 15-29
Du Wei, Yang Ting, Jin Xiaoyi. 2016. Intergenerational Differences between Migrant Workers on Demand Levels of Public Services under the Background of China's Urbanization. Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University (Social Sciences) (3): 77-87
Guo Qiuju, Jin Xiaoyi. 2016. The Effect of Marriage Squeeze on The Rural Migrant Men’s Old-Age Expectations: An Analysis Based on Theory of Stress-Copying. Journal of Population (2): 29-39
Du Wei, Yang Ting, Jin Xiaoyi. 2016. Intergenerational Differences between Migrant Workers on Demand Levels of Public Services under the Background of China’s Urbanization. Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University (Social Sciences) (2)
Jin Xiaoyi, Zhang Lu, Yang Ting. 2016. Inter-hukou Marriages of Rural Migrant Workers in the Perspective of Gender: Findings from a Survey in P District of Shenzhen. Collection of Women's studies (1): 30-38
Jin Xiaoyi, Liu Hongsheng, Liu Shuo, Yao Junxia, Liu Lige. 2015. Effect of Parenting Style on Rural Migrant Children’s Life Satisfaction: An Analysis Based on Primary and Middle School Survey in Shenzhen. South Population (6): 68-78
Jin Xiaoyi, Yang Ting. 2015. Intergenerational Transmission and Gender Differentials of Marital Violence among Rural Migrant Workers: An Analysis on Shenzhen Survey Data. Social Sciences in China (Internal Circulation) (5) : 151-158
Jin Xiaoyi, Yang Ting, Wei Na. 2015. “Vote by feet”: The Impacts of Demands for Public Services among New Generation of Rural Migrant Workers on Willingness of Household Registration Choice. Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University (Social Sciences) (4): 80-86
Yang Ting, Jin Xiaoyi. 2015. The Impacts of Resource Endowment and the Social-security System on the Land Willingness of Rural Migrant Workers - From the perspective of rational choice theory. China Rural Survey (4): 16-25
Cui Ye, Jin Xiaoyi. 2015. Close or Detached? Typology Analysis of Intergenerational Relationship in Rural Migrant Workers’ Families in the Context of Rural to Urban Migration: Evidence from Shenzhen. Population Studies (3): 48-60
Xie Yating, Jin Xiaoyi, Du Haifeng. 2015. “Impacts of marriage squeeze on fear of crime of various groups in rural China: Findings from survey in hundreds of villages”. Journal of Northwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry (Social Science)(3): 132-139
Jin Xiaoyi, Cui Ye. 2015. “The intergenerational relationship of rural migrant parents under the background of urbanization: An analysis based on intergenerational solidarity model”. Population Journal (1): 50-62
Xie Yating, Jin Xiaoyi. 2014. “Impacts of social support on fear of crime of rural residents in China: From a gender perspective”. Theory and Reform (5): 173-176
Jin Xiaoyi, Guo Qiuju, Cui Ye. 2014. “Evolution of rural family structure and its impacts on intergenerational relations in transitional China”. Youth Studies (4): 28-38.
Li Chenghua, Jin Xiaoyi, Jing Wen. 2013. “Difficulties in mate-selection and marital violence against rural women in the context of marriage squeeze: Evidence from survey in hundreds of villages.” Chinese Journal of Population Science (3): 119-125
Jin Xiaoyi, Xie Yating, Han Xue. 2013. “Rural migrants' sex preference in reproduction under the marriage squeeze: From the perspective of relative deprivation”. Population Journal (3): 15-24
Liu Lige, Jin Xiaoyi. 2012. “An analysis on marriage strategy of unmarried rural males in China”. Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University (Social Sciences) (1): 63-68
Li Chenghua, Jin Xiaoyi. 2012. “Conjugal relative resources, conjugal emotion relationships and marital violence of rural-urban migrants’ families: From gender perspective”. Society (1): 153-173
Jin Xiaoyi, Guo Qiuju, Liu Wei. 2012. “Old-age support of rural Chinese and policy implications in the context of gender imbalance”. Journal of Public Management (3): 73-83
Jin Xiaoyi, Xie Yating, Guo Qiuju, Li Yan. 2012. “Aggregation of bare branches and public security in rural communities: Findings from survey in hundreds of villages”. Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University (Social Sciences) (6): 36-44
Guo Qiuju, Jin Xiaoyi. 2012. “Research on life satisfaction of parents under the background of marriage squeeze: Based on the sample survey in Yi county rural areas, Anhui province”. China Rural Survey (6): 62-70
Wu Caixia, Li Yan, Jin Xiaoyi. 2012. “Social capital of rural old unmarried men: An analysis based on loan networks”. Population and Economics (1): 71-77
Liu Lige, Jin Xiaoyi. 2011. “Determinants of the rural men’s possibility of first marriage in China: A perspective of social network”. Journal of Population (2): 21-30
Guo Qiuju, Jin Xiaoyi. 2011. “Research on the rural old unmarried men’s desire for old-age support and its determinants: An analysis based on the sample survey in H county, Anhui province”. Population and Development (1): 38-44
Li Chenghua, Zhang Wencai, Jin Xiaoyi. 2011. “The role of human capital in migrant returnees’ intention in the context of financial crisis”. Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University (Social Sciences) (2): 8-13
Jin Xiaoyi, Li Chenghua, Du Haifeng, Du Wei. 2011. “The new application of sustainable livelihoods framework: Research on livelihoods of rural-urban migrants”. Modern Economic Science (3): 103-109
Jin Xiaoyi, Guo Qiuju. 2011. “Financial support from involuntary bachelors to their parents in rural China”. Northwest Population Journal (4): 38-42.
Jin Xiaoyi, Li Chenghua, Li Yan. 2011. “Marital strategies and marital quality of rural Chinese in the context of gender imbalance: Findings from survey in X city and hundreds of villages”. Youth Studies (6): 1-10; reprinted by Chinese Social Science Digest, 2012(3):137-138
Yue Zhongshan, Li Shuzhuo, Jin Xiaoyi, Marcus Feldman. 2011. “Social networks and migrant integration in China: A migrant-resident tie perspective”. Society (6): 130-152
Jin Xiaoyi, Guo Qiuju, Liu Lige, Li Shuzhuo. 2010. “Gender imbalance and public security in China: Findings from survey in hundreds of villages”. Youth Studies (5): 21-30
Liu Lige, Jin Xiaoyi, Jiang Quanbao, Li Shuzhuo. 2009. “Forced male bachelors and interventions in Ming and Qing Dynasty”. Zhejiang Social Sciences (12): 78-82
Jin Xiaoyi, Liu Lige. 2009. “Identification of the social risks and anomie in the context of gender imbalance in China”. Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University (Social Sciences) (6): 41-50
Wei Yan, Jin Xiaoyi, Li Shuzhuo. 2008. “Stress and coping in families with old unmarried male: Evidence from YC county in rural Henan China”, Population and Development (5): 2-12
Jin Xiaoyi, Ren Feng, Ren Yike, and Yue Zhongshan. 2009. “Effects of social networks on rural migrant workers’ attitudes and behavior of first marriage: From perspective of gender”. Population Journal (4): 23-33.
Jin Xiaoyi, Ren Feng, Yue Zhongshan. 2008. “Rural migrant workers’ attitudes towards pre-marital and extramarital sexual behaviors: A study of social networks.” Population Research (5): 67-78.
Wei Yan, Jin Xiaoyi, and Li Shuzhuo. 2008. “Stress and coping in families with old unmarried male: Evidence from YC county in rural Henan China.” Population and Development (5): 2-12.
Li Shuzhuo, Yang Xusong, Yue Zhongshan, and Jin Xiaoyi. 2007. “Social support networks of rural-urban migrants in China: Situation and determinants.” Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University (Social Sciences) (1): 67-76.
Zhang Yexia, Jin Xiaoyi, and Marcus Feldman. 2007. “The effects of rural-urban migration on intergenerational financial transfer in China: A gender-based perspective.” Chinese Population Sciences (3): 31-40
Li Shuzhuo, Jin Xiaoyi, and Marcus Feldman. 2006. “Uxorilocal marriage and its demographic and social consequences in contemporary rural China: An investigation in three counties.” Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University (Social Sciences) (5): 51-64.
Yang Xusong, Jin Xiaoyi, Xiao Qunying, and Bai Meng. 2006. “Situation and policy study on rural migrant workers’ social support and social integration: A case of Shenzhen.” China’s Soft Sciences (12): 18-26.
Li Shuzhuo, Wu Haixia, Jin Xiaoyi, and Marcus Feldman. 2006. “Chinese rural-urban migrants’ social network and sex preference: Evidence form Shenzhen.” Population Research (6): 5-14.
Li Shuzhuo, Yang Xusong, Jin Xiaoyi, Marcus Feldman, and Du Haifeng. 2006. “Complexity of rural-urban migrants’ social networks in China.” Analysis on Market and Population (5): 13-22.
Li Shuzhuo, Yang Xusong, Ren Yike, and Jin Xiaoyi. 2006. “Social network of rural-urban migrants and their occupation stratum and income: Findings from survey in Shenzhen.” Modern Economic Science (6): 25-33
Jin Xiaoyi, Peng Xizhe, Li Shuzhuo, Guo Youde, Yang Xusong. 2005. “Impacts of social network and integration on first marriage of female rural-urban immigrants: Evidence from survey in Pudong, Shanghai”. Population and Economics (5): 53-58
Jin Xiaoyi, Li Shuzhuo, Marcus Feldman. 2004. “Marriage form and fertility: A comparative study in three counties in contemporary rural China.” Population and Economics (5): 54-59
Jin Xiaoyi, Li Shuzhuo, Marcus Feldman. 2004. “Marriage form and son preference: A comparative study in three counties in contemporary rural China.” Population Research (5): 55-63
Jin Xiaoyi and Li Shuzhuo. 2003. “Uxorilocal marriage in the rural community of China: An analysis on focus discussion and interviews in Songzi.” Population and Economics (1): 45-49.
Jin Xiaoyi, Li Shuzhuo and Zhu Chuzhu. 2002. “A preliminary study on intergenerational transfers of household resources under various marriage forms.” Population and Economics (1): 18-24.
Jin Xiaoyi. 2002. “Crisis of support for the elderly in transitional China.” Journal of Northwest University (Social Sciences) 32(1): 116-118.
Jin Xiaoyi and Li Shuzhuo. 2001. “A study on living situations of elderly in transitional China.” Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University (Social Sciences) 21(2): 61-65.
Guo Qiuju and Jin Xiaoyi. 2018. Family Support for the Elderly in Rural China: In the Context of Marriage Squeeze. Social Sciences Academic Press (SSAP), Beijing, China. (In press) (In Chinese)
Xie Yating, Jin Xiaoyi. 2017. The effect of Intergroup Relation on Chinese Rural Migrant Workers’ Fear of Crime: Based on the Perspective of Gender and Marriage. China Agriculture Press. (In Chinese)
Jin Xiaoyi, Liu Lige, Liu Hongsheng. 2017. China’s Male Marriage Squeeze in the Process of Rural-Urban Migration. Social Sciences Academic Press (SSAP), Beijing, China. (In Chinese)
Li Shuzhuo, Xiaoyi Jin, Yuesheng Wang. 2015. Population Sex Structure and Sustainable Social Development in China. Social Sciences Academic Press (SSAP), Beijing, China. (In Chinese)
Liu Shuo, Lige Liu, Xiaoyi Jin, Yong Yang. 2015. Research Report of Rural Migrant Children in China. Social Sciences Academic Press (SSAP), Beijing, China. (In Chinese).
Liu Lige, Jin Xiaoyi and Marcus Feldman. 2014. Chinese Rural Men under the Marriage Squeeze. Social Sciences Academic Press (SSAP), Beijing, China. (In Chinese).
Jin Xiaoyi, Ren Yike, Du Haifeng. 2014. Rural Migrant Workers’ Social Networks, Attitudes and Behavior Evolution. 2014. Social Sciences Academic Press (SSAP), Beijing, China. (In Chinese).
Li Shuzhuo, Wu Haixia, Wei Yan, Jin Xiaoyi, and Marcus Feldman. 2008. Chinese Rural-urban Migrants’ Social Network and Reproduction. Social Sciences Academic Press (SSAP), Beijing, China. (In Chinese).
Li Shuzhuo, Du Haifeng, Yang Xusong, Jin Xiaoyi, and Marcus Feldman. 2007. Chinese Rural-urban Migrants’ Social Support and Social Integration. Social Sciences Academic Press (SSAP), Beijing, China. (In Chinese).
Li Shuzhuo, Jin Xiaoyi, Marcus Feldman, Li Nan, and Zhu Chuzhu. 2006. Uxorilocal Marriage and its Socio-demographic Implications in Rural China: An Investigation in Three Counties. Social Sciences Academic Press (SSAP), Beijing, China. (In Chinese).
Working Papers (In English)
Jin Xiaoyi, Marcus W. Feldman, Li Shuzhuo, Du Haifeng. Complexity of Rural-Urban Migrants’ Social Networks in China: A Quantitative Study in Shenzhen. 2006. Working paper, Morrison Institute for Population and Resource Studies, Stanford University
Du Haifeng, Marcus W. Feldman, Li Shuzhuo, Jin Xiaoyi. Community Structure in Small-world and Scale-free Networks. 2006. Working paper, 2006 Summer School in Santa Fe Institute
Li Shuzhuo, Jin Xiaoyi, and Marcus W. Feldman. 2004. “Marriage form and son preference in rural China: An investigation in three counties.” Morrison Institute Working Paper Series 99, Stanford University.
Jin Xiaoyi, Li Shuzhuo, and Marcus W. Feldman. 2004. “Marriage form and fertility in rural China: An investigation in three counties”. Morrison Institute Working Paper Series 100, Stanford University.
Jin Xiaoyi, Li Shuzhuo, and Marcus W. Feldman. 2004. “Marriage form and age at first marriage in rural China: An investigation in three counties”. Morrison Institute Working Paper Series 101, Stanford University.
Li Shuzhuo, Marcus Feldman, and Jin Xiaoyi. 2002. “Marriage form and duration of post-marital coresidence with parents in rural China: Evedence from Songzi.” Morrion Institute Working Paper Series 87, Stanford University.
Li Shuzhuo, Marcus Feldman, and Jin Xiaoyi. 2002. “Sons and daughters: Marriage form and family division in rural China.” Morrion Institute Working Paper Series 88, Stanford University.
Li Shuzhuo, Marcus Feldman, and Jin Xiaoyi. 2002. “Children, marriage and family support for the elderly in rural China.” Morrion Institute Working Paper Series 89, Stanford University.
Marcus Feldman, Li Shuzhuo, Li Nan, Shripad Tuljapurkar, and Jin Xiaoyi. 2002. “Son preference, marriage, and intergeneration transfer in rural China.” Morrison Institute Working Paper Series 91, Stanford University.
Jin Xiaoyi, Marcus Feldman, Li Shuzhuo, and Zhu Chuzhu. 2001. “A survey of marriage form and family support for the elderly in Songzi, China.” Morrion Institute Working Paper Series 86, Stanford University.