Jinfeng DU

Office Address: Room 616, School of Public Policy and Administration, Xi’an Jiaotong University, No. 28 Xianning West Road, Xi’an City, Shaanxi Province 710049
Email: sinodujf@gmail.com; Jinfeng.du@xjtu.edu.cn;
Mobile: +86-187-2901-1366
Jul.2015- Associate Professor; Doctoral student supervisor
School of Public Policy and Administration, Xi’an Jiaotong University
Jan.2015- Selected as Young Talent Support Plan Research Professor at Xi’an jiaotong University;
May.2017- Selected as Shaanxi Province 100-Talent Program Young Scholar;
Visitor, Department of Building and Real Estate, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Host: Prof. Edwin Chan
Postdoctoral Fellow, Project Mosaic, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Advisor: Prof. Jean-Claude Thill
Jul. 2011-Sep.2014
Postdoctoral Research Scholar, Department of Economics, Duke University
Advisor: Prof. Patrick Bayer
Sep.2010- June.2011
Pollman Postdoctoral Fellow, Real Estate Academic Initiative, Harvard University
Advisor: Prof. Richard B. Peiser
Teaching Assistant, Real Estate and Land Assessment; Urban Infrastructure Planning
College of Urban & Environmental Science, Peking University
Project Manager, Shandong Renhe Real Estate Appraisals and Consultation Co., Ltd., China
Co-founder of the Land Survey Department, served as the Chief Technician on land survey
Jul.2010 Ph.D., Land Use and Regional Development , Peking University, Beijing, China
Dissertation: Urban Expansion of Beijing during Transition Era
Advisor: Changchun Feng
Jul.2008 M.S., Land Use Planning & Real Estate Management (advanced to Ph.D. candidacy)
Peking University, Beijing, China
Advisor: Changchun Feng
Jul.2004 B.S., Urban and Rural Planning and Management (Cum Laude of Shandong Province)
Qufu Normal University, Shandong, China
China’s National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Program, (PI) ,
The impact of rural construction land reform on land assembly and development, value-increment distribution and achievements of urban village renewal: New institutional economics perspective (71603201)
Postdoctoral Fellowship, Institutional Root of New Town Fever in China
Project Mosaic, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, NC, USA
Jul. 2011-Sep.2014
Postdoctoral Research Scholar, China's Land Reform & Economic Development
Department of Economics, Duke University, NC, USA
Sep.2010- June.2011
Pollman Postdoctoral Fellowship, The Impact of Urban Land Reform on Urban Development in Beijing, Real Estate Academic Initiative, Harvard University, MA, USA
Jul.2008- Jul.2009
Doctoral Student Dissertation Fellowship, Land Use in Beijing’s Urban Fringe,
Peking University - Lincoln Land Policy Institute Center, Beijing, China
13.Jinfeng DU*, Jean-Claude Thill, Changchun Feng, Guangyin Zhu. (2016) Land wealth generation and distribution in the process of land expropriation and development in Beijing, China. Urban Geography, Vol.38(8): 1231-1251.
12.Jinfeng DU*, Jean-Clude Thill, Richard Peiser. (2016) Land pricing and its impact on land use efficiency in post-land-reform China: A case study of Beijing. Cities, Vol.50: 68-74.
11.Jinfeng DU*, Richard Peiser. (2014) Land supply, pricing and local governments’ land hoarding in China. Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol. 48:180-189.
10.Jinfeng DU*, Jean-Claude Thill, Richard Peiser, Changchun Feng. (2014) Urban land market and land use changes in post-reform China: A case study of Beijing. Landscape and Urban Planning, 124: 118-128.
9.Jinfeng DU*, Jean-Claude Thill, Changchun Feng. (2013) Wealth redistribution in urban land development under dual land systems: A case study of Beijing. Papers in Regional Science, Vol.93 (2):501-517. DOI:10.1111/pirs.12076 (SSCI, 5-year IF 1.731)
8.Jinfeng DU*, Jean-Claude Thill, Changchun Feng. (2013) Wealth Redistribution in Urban Land Development: A Case Study of Beijing. Selected Papers of Beijing Forum 2012. Pp.162-186. Press of Peking University. (one of the 16 Best Papers among 500+ participants, in English)
7. Jinfeng DU, Changchun Feng. (2010) Experience Reference of Sandwich Class Housing Scheme of Hong Kong. Urban Development Studies.Vol.17 (3): 121-126. (in Chinese with English abstract)
6. Jinfeng DU*, Changchun Feng. (2009) Theoretical Analysis of Price-restricted Commercial Housing Policy. Urban Development Studies. Vo1.16 (5): 102-107. (in Chinese with English abstract)
5. Changchun Feng, Jinfeng DU. (2009) Comparison and thinking on China Price—restricted Commercial Housing Policy. Chapter of Urban and Rural Planning——Housing security. China Architecture & Building Press. Pp.123-131. (in Chinese with English abstract)
4. Jinfeng DU*, Changchun Feng. (2008) Experience Reference of Sandwich Class Housing Solutions of Hong Kong. Proceedings of CRIOCM 2008 International Research Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate. Beijing, China. Pp.39-44. (in English)
3. Jinfeng DU, Changchun Feng. (2008) Study on the Key Issues on Implementation Evaluation of Comprehensive Land Use Planning in China. China Land Science.Vol.22 (10): 74-80. (in Chinese with English abstract)
2. Hao Wang, Changchun Feng, Jinfeng DU, Xianglai Song. (2008) Study on Management Model of Price—restricted Housing. Urban Development Studies. Vo1.15 (6): 12-16. (in Chinese with English abstract)
1. Hongjian Ding, Zhenguo Yu, Jinfeng DU. (2007) Analysis to the impact on the market of land for commercial use of Beijing City brought by land policy. Urban Problems.Vol.7: 40-43. (in Chinese with English abstract)
16. Land policy, resettlement housing development and poverty reduction: A case study of Shaanxi Province, Oral presentation, the First IGU-AGLE Commission Conference, Yulin, Shaanxi, August 27-29, 2017.
15. Land policy, poverty alleviation and urbanization: A case study of Shaanxi Province, Oral presentation, Global Chinese Real Estate Congress Annual Conference, Taizhong, Taiwan, July 11-13, 2017.
14. An evaluation of China’s land reform, Measuring the effectiveness of real estate regulation: Interdisciplinary perspectives, Invited oral presentation, Gazit-Globe Real Estate Institute, IDC Herzliya, Radzyner School of Law, Herzliya, Israel, May 17-19, 2017.
13. Round table discussion on research priority in Data services and processing, 2017 Sino-European Expert Workshop on Sustainable Urbanization in Context of Economic Transition and Climate Change, National Natural Science Foundation of China and Urban Europe, Hangzhou, China, May 7-9, 2017.
12. Land wealth generation and distribution in the process of land expropriation and development in Beijing, China. Oral presentation, International Research Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate: Hangzhou, China, July 2-3, 2016.
11. Evaluation of China’s land reform based on a quasi-experiment design. Oral presentation, The 5th international workshop on regional, urban and spatial economics in China. Chengdu, China, June 3-4, 2016.
10. Land wealth (re)distribution effects of China’s land reform and land policy. Invited oral presentation, Xi’an Jiaotong-Stanford University Academic Summit 2016. Xi’an, China, April 9-10, 2016.
9. Government Land Disposition, pricing, and urban expansion in post-land reform Beijing. Oral presentation, International Conference on Land use policy in China: Beijing, China, October 20–21, 2012.
8. Wealth redistribution in urban development under dual land systems: A case study of Beijing. Invited oral presentation, Beijing Forum: Beijing, China, November 1-3, 2012.
7. Land use change and its driving forces: A case study of Beijing, China. Oral presentation, NARSC 57th Annual Conference: Denver, USA, November 13-15, 2010.
6. Highway construction and its influence on neighboring land use: A case study of Beijing, China. Oral presentation, AAG 2010 Annual Meeting: Washington. DC, USA, April 14-16, 2010.
5. Changchun Feng, Jinfeng DU. (2010) Research progress on key technology of town and village spatial planning and land use. Research progress conference for the National Key Technology Program on Urbanization during the 11th Five-Year Plan (2005-2010), Acted as conference co-organizer: Beijing, China
4. Jinfeng DU. (2008) Experience Reference of Sandwich Class Housing Solutions of Hong Kong. Invited oral presentation, International Research Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate: Beijing, China
3. Changchun Feng, Jinfeng DU. (2008) The implementation plans on key technology of town and village spatial planning and land use. Project Start Conference for the National Key Technology Program on Urbanization during the 11th Five-Year Plan (2005-2010), Acted as conference organizer: Beijing, China
2. Changchun Feng, Jinfeng DU. (2008) Analysis of the Current Situation and Future Trend of the Real Estate Market in Beijing City. Conference held by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development P.R.China: Beijing, China
1. Changchun Feng, Jinfeng DU. (2008) The research plans on key technology of town and village spatial planning and land use. Research Plan Defense Conference for the National Key Technology Program on Urbanization during the 11th Five-Year Plan (2005-2010), Acted as conference organizer: Beijing, China
Registered Land Value Appraiser of People’s Republic of China Mar.2005 -
Land Registration Agent of People’s Republic of China May.2005 -
Member of Global Chinese Real Estate Congress Sep.2008 -
Member of American Association of Geographer Apr. 2010 -
Member Regional Science Association International Nov.2011-
Member of Council for Global Chinese Real Estate Congress Jul. 2017-
Land Use Policy; Landscape and Urban Planning; Cities; Journal of Regional Science; Urban Studies; Urban Geography; China’s Economic Review; Computers, Environment and Urban Systems; Habitat International; The Annals of Regional Science; Journal of Regional Sciences; Journal of Urban Management; Emerging Markets Finance and Trade; International Journal of Regional Development.