刘秋雨 助理教授
1. 2023年至今,西安交通大学,88858cc永利官网,助理教授
2. 2018-2023,魁北克大学-蒙特利尔分校(Université du Québec à Montréal),环境科学研究所,博士
3. 2015-2018,西北农林科技大学,资源环境学院,硕士
4. 2013-2014,西北农林科技大学,资源环境学院,联合培养
5. 2011-2015,新疆农业大学,草业与环境科学学院,学士
1. 2023-至今:青海湖国家公园综合科学考察——社会经济、资源环境承载力与可持续发展专项(项目来源:国家林业和草原局西北调查规划院);子项目负责人
2. 2019-2023:Quantifying and forecasting tree mortality risks and uncertainties of Canadian boreal forests under a changing climate (项目来源:加拿大自然科学与工程基金, NSERC);课题骨干
3. 2018-2020:Evaluating and forecasting climate-induced tree mortality risks and uncertainties of Quebec boreal forests under a changing climate (项目来源:加拿大魁北克研究基金, FRQNT);课题骨干
4. 2016-2017:基于Landsat卫星影像的乌审旗等区域1978、2000、2015土地利用类型解译(项目来源:中国科学院--地理空间数据云(No. T2016120005));课题主持
5. 2015-2018:多源观测信息与陆表水碳通量过程模型的数据同化研究(项目来源:国家自然科学基金No. 41301451);课题骨干
1. Qiuyu Liu,Changhui Peng, Robert Schneider, Dominic Cyr, Zelin Liu, Xiaolu Zhou, Mingxi Du, Peng Li, Zihan Jiang, Nate G. McDowell,Daniel Kneeshaw. Vegetation browning: global drivers, impacts, and feedbacks.Trends in Plant Science. 2023(SCI,IF=22.01)
2. Qiuyu Liu,Changhui Peng, Robert Schneider, Dominic Cyr, Nate G. McDowell, Daniel Kneeshaw.Drought-induced increase in tree mortality and corresponding decrease in the carbon sink capacity of Canada's boreal forests from 1970 to 2020.Global Change Biology. 2023.(SCI,IF=13.21)
3. Mingxi Du,Qiuyu Liu(共同第一作者),Graham K. MacDonald, Yawen Liu, Jintai Lin, Qi Cui, Kuishuang Feng, Bin Chen, Jamiu Adetayo Adeniran, Lingyu Yang, Xinbei Li, Kaiyu Lyu, Yu Liu.Examining the sensitivity of global CO2emissions to trade restrictions over multiple years.Environmental Science & Technology Letters. 2022.(SCI, IF=11.56)
4. Qiuyu Liu,Tinglong Zhang, Mingxi Du, Huanlin Gao, Qingfeng Zhang, Rui Sun.A better carbon-water flux simulation in multiple vegetation types by data assimilation.Forest Ecosystems. 2022.(SCI,IF=4.27)
5. Qiuyu Liu,Changhui Peng, Robert Schneider, Dominic Cyr, Zelin Liu, Xiaolu Zhou, Daniel Kneeshaw.TRIPLEX-Mortality model for simulating drought-induced tree mortality in boreal forests: Model development and evaluation.Ecological Modelling. 2021.(SCI,IF=3.51)
6. Qiuyu Liu,Tinglong Zhang, Yizhe Li, Ying Li, Chongfeng Bu, Qingfeng Zhang.Comparative analysis of fractional vegetation cover estimation based on multi-sensor data in a semi-arid sandy area.Chinese Geographical Science. 2019.(SCI, IF=3.10)
7. Li Zhao, Mingxi Du, Wei Du, Jiahuan Guo, Ziyan Liao, Xiang Kang,Qiuyu Liu(通讯作者).Evaluation of the carbon sink capacity of the proposed Kunlun Mountain National Park.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022.(SCI, IF=4.61)
8. Yu Liu, Mingxi Du, Qi Cui, Jintai Lin, Yawen Liu,Qiuyu Liu, Dan Tong, Kuishuang Feng, Klaus Hubacek. Contrasting suitability and ambition in regional carbon mitigation. 2022.Nature Communications.(SCI, IF=17.69)
9. Jintai Lin, Mingxi Du, Lulu Chen, Kuishuang Feng, Yu Liu, Randall V. Martin, Jingxu Wang, Ruijing Ni, Yu Zhao, Hao Kong, Hongjian Weng, Mengyao Liu, Aaron van Donkelaar,Qiuyu Liu, Klaus Hubacek.Carbon and health implications of trade restrictions.Nature Communications.2019.(SCI, IF=17.69)
10. Lei Deng, Changhui Peng, Dong-Gill Kim, Jiwei Li, Yulin Liu, Xuying Hai,Qiuyu Liu, Chunbo Huang, Zhouping Shangguan, Yakov Kuzyakov.Drought effects on soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics in global natural ecosystems: A meta-analysis.Earth-Science Reviews.2020.(SCI, IF=12.41)
11. Lei Deng, Changhui Peng, Chunbo Huang, Kaibo Wang,Qiuyu Liu, Yulin Liu, Xuying Hai. Zhouping Shangguan. Drivers of soil microbial metabolic limitation changes along a vegetation restoration gradient on the Loess Plateau, China.Geoderma. 2019.(SCI, IF=7.42)
12. Huili Feng, Jiahuan Guo, Changhui Peng, Xuehong Ma, Daniel Kneeshaw, Huai Chen,Qiuyu Liu, Mengyao Liu, Cheng Hu, Weifeng Wang.Global estimates of forest soil methane flux identify a temperate and tropical forest methane sink.Geoderma. 2023.(SCI, IF=7.42)
13. Mingxi Du,Lulu Chen, Jintai Lin, Yu Liu, Kuishuang Feng,Qiuyu Liu, Jingxu Wang, Ruijing Ni, Yu Zhao, Yawen Liu, Wei Si, Ying Li, Hao Kong, Hongjian Weng, Mengyao Liu, Adetayo Adeniran Jamiu. Winners and losers of the Sino-US trade war from economic and environmental perspectives.Environmental Research Letters. 2020.(SCI,IF=6.94)
14. Jiahuan Guo, Huili Feng, Pierce McNie,Qiuyu Liu, Xuan Xu, Chang Pan, Ke Yan, Lei Feng, Eyerusalem Adehanom Goitom, Yuanchun Yu. Species mixing improves soil properties and enzymatic activities in Chinese fir plantations: A meta-analysis.CATENA. 2023.(SCI,IF=6.36)
15. Mengchen Ju, Tinglong Zhang, Xinkai Li, Bingyin Li, Yiping Li,Qiuyu Liu, Qingxuan Wang, Chongfeng Bu.Large scale environmental drivers of biocrust distribution and development across a sandy desert in China.CATENA. 2021.(SCI, IF=6.36)
16. Zihan Jiang,Qiuyu Liu, Wei Xu, Changhui Peng.The importance of energy theory in shaping elevational species richness patterns in plants.Biology. 2022.(SCI, IF=5.17)
17. Hanxiong Song, Changhui Peng, Kerou Zhang, Tong Li, Mingxia Yang,Qiuyu Liu, Qiuan Zhu.Quantifying patterns, sources and uncertainty of nitrous oxide emissions from global grazing lands: Nitrogen forms are the determinant factors for estimation and mitigation.Global and Planetary Change. 2023.(SCI, IF=4.51)
18. Lei Deng, Dong-Gill Kim, Miaoyu Li, Chunbo Huang,Qiuyu Liu, Min Cheng, Zhouping Shangguan, Changhui Peng. Land-use changes driven by “Grain for Green” program reduced carbon loss induced by soil erosion on the Loess Plateau of China.Global and Planetary Change. 2019.(SCI, IF=4.95)
19. Li Zhao, Mingxi Du, Wei Zhang, Congjuan Li,Qiuyu Liu, Xiang Kang, Dian Zhou.Functional zoning in national parks under multifactor trade-off guidance: A case study of Qinghai Lake National Park in China.Journal of Geographical Sciences. 2022.(SCI,IF=4.01)
20. 刘秋雨,张廷龙,孙睿,王博闻,叶欣欣,李一哲.Biome-BGC模型参数的敏感性和时间异质性.生态学杂志. 2017.
21. 李一哲,张廷龙,刘秋雨,李英.生态过程模型敏感参数最优取值的时空异质性分析—以BIOME-BGC模型为例. 2018.应用生态学报.
22. 李一哲,张廷龙,孙睿,刘秋雨,李英.一个基于气象和遥感数据的植被生产力估算模型. 2017.西北林学院学报.
1.口头报告,美国生态学学会年会(Ecological Society of America). 2022.加拿大.
2.口头报告,亚洲大洋洲地球科学学会年会(Asia-Oceania Geosciences Society).2022.新加坡&Online.
3.口头报告,加拿大魁北克林业工程大会(Ordre des ingénieurs forestiers du Québec(OIFQ) conférence- Update on forest carbon). 2021.加拿大,魁北克.
4.墙报报告,美国地球物理学会年会(American Geophysical Union). 2020.美国&Online.
5.墙报报告,加拿大魁北克林业研究中心大会(Center for Forest Research Meeting).2020.加拿大.
担任Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,Climate Policy,Global Change Biology等期刊审稿专家